Introducing Erlang: Getting Started in Functional Programming by Marcos Benevides

:ID: f5e7bb90-792d-406a-8c40-2b072db63a13

Chapter 1: Getting Comfortable

Numbers in Erlang

If you need to do calculations on integers using a base other than 10, you can use Base#Value notation.

Seeing Your Bound Variables

b() shows all bound variables in the current erlang shell.

    > b().
    N = 1
    Number = 5

Clearing Bound Variables in the Shell

  > f(N).
  > f().

Chapter 2: Functions and Modules

Defining Modules

    -export([fall_velocity/1, mps_to_mph/1, mps_to_kph/1]).

    fall_velocity(Distance) -> math:sqrt(2 * 9.8 * Distance).
    mps_to_mph(Mps) -> 2.23693629 * Mps.
    mps_to_kph(Mps) -> 3.6 * Mps.